The Course

Come explore over 45 hours of novel material supported by a wide range of scientific disciplines; focused on developing a rich, person-centered care model that is capable of exploring and supporting numerous levels within each person’s experience.

There is a common misconception that “integrative” is mostly about CAM (complementary and alternative medicine modalities). While CAM therapies may be considered as part of an integrative practice when they are patient-chosen and evidence-based, they are not the primary focus of this course. Rather, the focus is on building capacity to work with a broader lens – rooted in the biopsychosocial-spiritual model, mind-body integration, neuroscience, and more.

The Foundations course is distributed across 16 modules. The course offers a novel presentation style that weaves didactic with experiential learning across each module. The material presented reflects an accessible version of the even more extensive content compiled in a forthcoming, clinically-oriented textbook, Integrative Rehabilitation Practice: The Foundations of Whole-Person Care for Health Professionals, released May 2021, order at any online bookstore. Note: we encourage considering supporting independent booksellers and is a good option.

Go here for an overview of the effort, as well as feedback form to help us improve on future efforts.

And now, BACK TO THE ONLINE COURSE! Come join the integrative-oriented rehabilitation practice movement!

Register for the course now!


Course 1 Topics:

Module 1: Overview, History, Definitions & Applications of Integrative Medicine for Rehabilitation

Module 2: Mind-Body Medicine as Foundational to Integrative Rehab Practice

Module 3: Understanding Social Determinants of Health

Module 4: An Integrative Perspective: Pain Management

Module 5: Foundations of Psychologically-Integrated Practice (PIP)

Module 6: Building Context – Deepening PIP

Module 7: Deepening the Science: Support for Integrative Rehab Practice

Module 8: Supporting Subjectivity: From the Start

Module 9: Exploring Biofeedback

Module 10: Exploring Meditation as Medicine

Module 11: Exploring the Breath

Module 12: Exploring Sensation

Module 13: Exploring Movement

Module 14: Exploring Imagery

Module 15: Functional Cognitive Integration

Module 16: Introduction to Yoga Therapy


Click here to register for the course. All are welcome to join us in this process of ongoing and mutual learning…

Once completed, participants will be able to explore a Going Deeper course which builds upon these foundations. Access as a full course or as individual modules chosen to meet your needs, will be available, and specialty courses such as Integrative Headache Management and Integrative Rehab Practice in Mental Health Care are in development. Topics for the Course 2 modules include:

  • Exploring mindful eating and nutrition
  • Exploring drawing, writing and avenues of expression
  • Clinical considerations of polyvagal theory
  • Music, Sound, and Voice in Healing
  • Deepening therapeutic dialogue, mind-body awareness facilitation
  • Deepening functional neuroscience education and functional cognitive-behavioral skills and constructs
  • Rethinking manual therapy
  • Exploring spirituality – supporting purpose, meaning, and spiritual values
  • The Center for Mind-Body Medicine model – the power of the group
  • Integrative rehab in psychiatry and mental health
  • and more… courses will be developed based on your needs and feedback!